Thank you for visiting my Boba Fett helmet customization guide.  What differentiates this site from many others like it is that I am not an artist, graphic designer, or skilled craftsman.  I am merely a passionate and dedicated fan of the Star Wars Universe who through experience, learned the skills necessary to create some fairly impressive pieces.  In these two guides, I provide step-by-step instructions (in layman’s terms!) to turn your stock Don Post or raw Mystery Helmet into an item worthy of being a showpiece in any collection. Hopefully you will find my outline easy to understand, and that it gives you the confidence to take on either of these challenging projects.

Fett Helmets

Mystery Helmet

September 2008

Don Post Helmet

October 2009

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Boba Fett Helmet Customization Guides

Boba Fett Helmet Customization Guides

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